Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year

Snowflakes in the air
Sparkling glitter from the sky
Magic all around

(the haiku I wrote for the front of our Christmas card this year - complete with periwinkle blue snowflakes on white glitter paper, inspired by Haiku Thursdays)

The season had finally come and gone, and the last day is winding down. Amidst all the chaos, I've had this photo on my desktop for the last several weeks. It has put me at peace and made me feel like there were always candles burning with warmth and hope. As for now, we're packing skis and the dog and heading out very early to head over to the cabin, hoping to stay ahead of the approaching snow storm. I'm looking forward to snowdrifts and skiing, hot cocoa and books by the fire, deer out wandering in the evening, and wondering if I'll get in a run the whole week. It's been a fun and zany holiday season, and I'm looking forward to returning to a little bit of normalcy and catching up on missed blog time when the kids go back to school. I still have a post to write on rainbows, one on 'cause and effect', and an apology to my male runner friends who I called 'extras' in my last post. (I've had a lot of thinking time during my 5 am runs these past couple of weeks.) Hope you and yours have had a great holiday season ~ Be Safe, and Have an Excellent New Years! See ya' next year! -Ginger


Rich said...

You should've entered Josh's haiku challenge, but then again, that would've knocked me off my exalted 3rd runner up spot!

Hope you have safe and wonderful holiday season.

Triseverance said...

awwww I am all warm and fuzzy now. We leave for the Cabin hopefully Thursday night for the new year weekend. Looking forward to snowshoing, skiing, hot coco by the fire and good times with friends. Have a great rest of your break!

Stephanie said...

The holiday season is fun, but after a little while I'm ready to move on and be active as well....

Happy Holidays to you!

JustRun said...

Happy New Year! Stay warm!

Anne said...

If I could write that haiku, I wouldn't have to rely on Hallmark! That candle photo put me at ease too. Hope this week is a blessed one for you and your family.

Kurt said...

I am not familiar with Haiku but will give me something to look at.

Skiing is good cross training for the running!

Enjoy the book, the chocolate and the Bambi's in the woods. Happy New Year!

D said...

Hmmm. . . let's see. . . maybe your fellow bloggers should be invited to your cabin - it sounds perfect. Looking forward to all of your thought provoking posts in 07!

Sarah said...

Love your haiku! And the candles are so peaceful. Happy New Year!

onepinkfuzzy said...

have fun, and happy new year!

Unknown said...

Happy Skiiing!

SRR said...

Glitter paper...gotta love it! Happy Holidays!